Mai Zetterling, Anjelica Huston.
Year: 1990.
summary: The boy Luke is spending vacation in Norway at the house of his grandmother Helga Eveshim house with his parents. She tells stories of evil witches and how her best childhood friend was kidnapped by a witch. Out of the blue, Luke's parents have a car accident and die and Helga becomes Luke's guardian. They move to England and one day, a woman approaches and speaks to Luke, but he identifies that she is a witch. One day, Helga falls ill and her doctor tells that it is her diabetes. She decides to travel to a seaside hotel to recover from her diabetes. On the arrival, Luke befriends the fat boy Bruno Jenkins and has problems with the manager Mr. Stringer because of his pet white mice. Meanwhile a group of women from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children arrive for a convention with their leader Miss Eva Ernst. But soon Luke learns that Eva is indeed the Grand High Witch and their convention is to distribute a magic potion to turn boys into mice in England. When the Grand High Witch sees Luke, she turns him into a mouse. What will the boy do?.
Duration: 1 H 31 m.
ratings: 6,9 / 10.
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The bits that are good are not original, and the bits that are original are not that good.
With impressive special effects, evil witches, a brave hero, and all that this film has to offer, children will probably enjoy this film immensely or be scared out of their wits (or possibly both.
But only if they haven't read the book.
If you've read the book, this is my warning to you: They added the character to the film. A *good* witch who goes around undoing the evil doings of the other witches. If you liked the book's ending, do not* watch this film.
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Nicolas Roeg is my favorite director ever; Jim Henson stands as one of the best creators of children's and family entertainment in history, and his movies never really disappoint in terms of visual quirkiness and lovable characters; Roald Dahl has to be one of the most interesting individual children's author in the history of people assuming children's authors were really writing about very adult things (adult things even adults can't handle adult things. Whatever witch's brew mixed these together, the result has to be magic, and it is, it's just so hard to know what to do with.
The problem with The Witches is that it's too scary for children and it's too childish for adults. I'm never scared by movies, but the mouse-changing effects (to the point of giant seizuring bobble-heads. Anjelica Huston peeling her face off, and the weird rubber witch/mouse mix at the end are stronger and more shocking variants of the type of stuff you'd find in The Howling series of movies or other schlock horror. For kids, that's pretty intimidating stuff. The film tries to make up for it with comedic relief in the form of the actual adventure story involving the young boy and his fat friend, Bruno, along with repeated instances of people getting freaked out by the mice (everyone in this movie is either afraid of mice or a witch themselves, save the lead characters) but the little kid's voice over is incessant and annoying. The movie has many really silly and fun situations (especially involving the hotel manager and the grandmother) but some strange moments that don't really seem to follow any logic at all (the whole thing with the baby in the cart.
It's certainly an enigmatic little film. I think if anything it shows that Roeg probably is a bit too zealous to make children's entertainment, and that Henson's well-regarded darker side can really go all out when asked. Oh, and that Roald Dahl was a strange man, but we knew that already.
- PolarisDiB.
The witches 1990 full movie 123movies putlocker. The witches 1990 full movie 123movies youtube. The witches 1990 full movie 123movies english. The witches 1990 full movie 123movies download. The witches 1990 full movie 123movies full. The witches 1990 full movie 123movies 2017. The witches 1990 full movie 123movies 2019. The witches 1990 full movie 123movies free. The witches 1990 full movie 123movies season. The witches 1990 full movie 123movies 2. This movie is a one-of-a-kind film, not your typical little kid's film, and is entertaining to both kids and adults. What we most like about it is that its scariness is never watered down; the plot drums at the viewer just like adult action movies do, yet all the while letting us maintain high confidence in the hero like the confidence we have in Mel Gibson in one of his flicks. Neat effects, too.
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